Sunday, May 13, 2007

Hillary Clinton States Bush Governs for a Select Few

In a speech given on Saturday, Presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton said for the last six years President Bush has been operating a "government of the few, for the few and by the few."

Sen. Clinton said middle class families have been invisible to the President over the last six years, and she promised to be a President who once again sets goals for all people in America.

Democrats attending the Ohio state party's annual dinner gave a rousing cheer when the senator from New York asked, "Are you ready to end the war in Iraq and restore America's reputation around the world?"
Since 1900, only two Democrats have won the White House without winning Ohio, and there has never been a Republican who has been elected President without having the Buckeye state vote for them.

In a tightly called 2004 race, Ohio gave President Bush the votes required in winning re-election over Sen. John Kerry. However, Democrats are feeling a new sense of optimism that Ohio will once again vote for them as they did twice for former President Bill Clinton.

For the first time in sixteen years, a Democrat was elected as Governor of Ohio last November. Part of the reason a Democrat became Governor of Ohio was because of voter backlash caused by a state government investment scandal. This scandal led to Democrats also gaining three other statewide offices that were long held by Republicans.

Sen. Clinton's speech Saturday came in front of supporters willing to shell out $150 per plate that drew 3,000 people willing to hear another round of Bush bashing from the former first lady. This speech raised $550,000, after expenses, for the Democratic party. Chris Redfern, the Ohio Democratic Party chairman, said this is the most money ever raised by this annual dinner.

Sen. Clinton made a 'promise of gold for everyone' by saying when she is elected President there would be universal health care and affordable college for everyone. Sen. Clinton also promised a 'chicken in every pot' by saying she will also lead the charge in developing alternative sources of energy, and her administration would hire more qualified people for government jobs.

At the moment, Sen. Clinton is the front-runner in Ohio, and nationwide, for the Democratic nomination as President for 2008.

Earlier in the day, Clinton made a stop in South Carolina where she gave the commencement address at historically black Claflin University. During this speech, Clinton spoke about making college more affordable. She also gave a thumbs-up to her main challenger, Sen. Barack Obama, while making note of Clafin University's role in the '60's demonstrations.

"Think about the students from this university who braved tear gas and water hoses and beatings and bullets to protest the injustice of segregation and usher in a new era of equality and never lived to see the day of an African-American man running for president," Clinton told the crowd of around 4,000 at the college.
Sen. Clinton told the 320 graduating students they represented a minority who were able to afford the high cost of obtaining a college degree. She also went on to say many students and hardworking parents see their college hopes sink when they see the price tag that goes along with attending college.

Hillary went on to say government needs to play a larger role to ensure students who attend college are able to complete the years required to gain the degree of their choice. Sen. Clinton alluded to the fact that fewer than half the students who start college will actually complete their course studies.

"We need to begin by making college more affordable and accessible," she said. "I think we need to take on the student loan industry and send a clear message they will be held accountable for the way they treat and mistreat students and families."
Sen. Clinton is pushing a "student borrower bill of rights" that will set student loan payments at a percentage of income causing fees and interest rates on these loans to be reasonably affordable. Hillary went on to say students, and their parents, should not be caught in the 'bait-and-switch' game where one program is promised to these students, but then a totally different program is delivered.

Read more about Shillary at Yahoo News

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