Saturday, April 21, 2007

The TRUTH About Credit Repair...

The TRUTH About Credit Repair...
-by Terry Price
(C) Copyright Terry PriceAll Rights Reserved

Have you ever wondered what companies send you when they claim you can erase bad credit overnight? How about those ads that say you can get any major credit card without a deposit or a credit check?

Ads abound almost every where these days (online and off) selling books, systems and secrets tohelp you fix your credit. Many of these programs have claims which read like the covers of supermarket tabloids:

"In 3hrs my credit score jumped from 580 to 676!"...
"Erase bad credit and smash your debts with just 2 Magic Letters!".

Are these types of claims ALWAYS too good to be true? The answer is"Yes and... no".

While many people would love for you to believe the only thing that can fix bad credit is time; inreality... nothing could be further from the truth. The fact is, time is only one factor which can fix a credit report, but it's a far cry from being the only factor. How can I back this up? Easy.

Under a consumer protection law known as the Fair Credit ReportingAct (a.k.a. the FCRA) the only negative information which can remain on your credit report is not what is accurate... but what can be proved as accurate under the FCRA. What's this mean to you?

It means any negative item on your credit report can only remain there if it is accurate and CAN BE PROVED AS SUCH under the guidelines of the FCRA. This undisputable fact presents consumers with both good news and bad news.

The good news is that through the FCRA your credit score can most likely be improved dramatically in a very short period of time with only a modest amount of effort on your part.

The bad news is that while the actual "work" will take very little of your time, it is vital that you have good information on "how"to go about it. This is the bad news; 9 out of 10 courses on restoring your credit will do nothing more than lead you into snakepits because they will provide you with what the industry refers to as "Boiler Plate" dispute letters.These are nothing more than form letters and... quite frankly (more bad news) the Credit Bureaus and Creditors will laugh at you if you try to use them.

While I agree with the Federal TradeCommission (FTC) that "Anything a Credit Repair Clinic can do for you legally, you can do for yourself at little or not cost"... the key element you need for success is the latest inside techniques and procedures to get the results you want. This involves strategies such as "Proofof Contract", "Constructive Notice","Challenge of Procedure" or"Restrictive Endorsement" and many others.

All these terms may "sound" impressive but they are really quite simple. In the end, it is nothing more than a method of communication which exercises your consumer protection rights, gets the results you want and raises your credit score. Even more impressive, once you learn how simple it can be by doing it for yourself, you will find there is a fortuneto be made doing it for others! Either way, it all starts by requesting a freecopy of your credit report here:

The "CREDIT SECRETS BIBLE" has been in print since 1994 and is published by Consumer Publishing Group.

Please visit "CREDIT SECRETS BIBLE" for more information.


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