Saturday, April 28, 2007

U.N. Chief Stands by Gore's Climate Change Theory

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon announced on Friday that he will use Al Gore's theory on climate change to gain international support for his global warming initiatives.

Calling Al Gore's climate change message a ""very powerful political message", Secretary-General Ki-moon said he plans to use Gore's message as a wake-up for getting international action on global warming.

Mr. Ki-moon on Friday said he met with the Oscar winning documentary maker, and that Al Gore offered his support in helping the United Nations bring international attention to the issue of global warming.

Many people feel that Al Gore is still considered one of the top Democratic choices for the 2008 Presidential race. Mr. Gore has not said if he will jump into this race or not, but with his climate change theory being globally popular you never know what Mr. Gore will finally decide.

Mr. Gore and Mr. Ki-moon met for about a half hour on Friday, but after the meeting, Mr. Gore had no comment for reporters. Mr. Ki-moon on the other hand feels he can use the powerful message from Al Gore's global documentary, "An Inconvenient Truth" , as a rallying point for worldwide attention to climate change and global warming.

The U.N Secretary-General said he will work closely with the European delegation to the G-8 summit in calling for measures to be taken in the fight against global warming. The G-8 summit will be hosted by Germany in June. Mr. Ki-moon feels global warming should be one of the top issues during this G-8 summit meeting.

The European Union all ready promised last month to cut the carbon emissions from their countries by 20 percent below their 1990 levels. The European Union also said they would be willing to make a 30 percent cut in carbon emissions if the United States also agreed to carbon emission cuts. The European Union feels these cuts are needed to keep the Earth's temperature from increasing by less than 2 degrees.

The U.N Secretary-General went on to praise this voluntary action by the European Union by calling this move a "a very important initiative with which I would like to continue to cooperate fully."

Read more about this story at Yahoo News

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