Sunday, March 18, 2007

King of the Hill??

Is Stephen King's son following in the footprints of his father??

The new book, Heart Shaped Box(taken from Nirvana song), is written by Joe Hill. Is this the same Joseph Hillstrom King who is the son of famous writer Stephen King?? Or this this Stephen King just using a different pen-name??

As excitement percolated about Heart-Shaped Box, so, too, did lingering questions about its author. Inklings about Hill's family background started appearing in online message boards in 2005 when his collection of short stories, 20th Century Ghosts, was published in Britain.
Similarities in subject matter and appearance — Hill has his father's bushy eyebrows and the dark beard he sported decades ago — were enough to stir suspicion among followers of the horror genre.
"It got blogged to death," Hill recalled. But only when his identity was trumpeted in Variety last year did he realize that the secret was gone for good. "That was really the nail in the coffin," he said.

Stephen King as written under the pen-name Richard Bachman before, so is this Stephen King re-making himself, or is this really his son, Joseph. Besides Joseph's father, his mother--Tabitha--, and brother--Owen--have dabbled in writing novels and short stories. However, with Heat Shaped Box receiving a good review from the NY Times, one does have to ask oneself who is doing the writing.

Read the whole story at USA Today

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