Friday, March 23, 2007

Knife Wielding Astronaut Pleads Not Guilty

Lisa Nowak claims she is only guilty of out this world love for astronaut Bill Oefelein.

Lisa Nowak pleads not guilty to charges of attempted kidnapping, burglary with assault and battery.

Police reported finding a BB gun, steel mallet, knife and rubber tubing in Nowak's car.

Lisa Nowak was arrested on February 5th after she drove non-stop from Houton,Tx to Orlando,FL in order to confront a women who was stealing her astronaut lover.

Nowak had disguised herself by wearing a wig and trench coat in order to sneak up on rival Colleen Shipman in a parking lot at Orlando International Airport. Nowak tried to pepper spray Shipman in a possible kidnapping attempt, but Shipman was able to escape and summon police to the scene.

NASA fired her about a month after her arrest, and the Navy said she would be transferred to the Corpus Christi, Texas, command. She is free on bail.

Read more at Yahoo News

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