Wednesday, March 28, 2007

PETA Thinks Burger King is the GREATEST

Animal rights activists now love Burger King for buying from 'range free' producers.

Now this is really shocking news because I thought animal rights activists would have nothing to do with any type of restaurant that serves meat.I guess that I was wrong.

PETA has come out and praised Burger King for buying their meat products from farms and companies that do not keep their animals in cages.

We certainly hope that people will order the BK Veggie Burger when they go into Burger King," said Matt Prescott, spokesman for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. "But the fact that Burger King has made positive changes for some of the animals killed for its restaurants will send a ripple effect through the fast food industry and show other companies that animal welfare cannot be ignored."

PETA has also praised Burger King for using suppliers that use "controlled atmosphere stunning," to kill their poultry. Burger King has notified all their suppliers that they will look very favorably upon producers that offer 'out of the cage' animals.

By doing this, Burger King is hoping to put pressure on their suppliers to offer more products that have been treated 'humanely' before they were slaughtered.

Read more at Yahoo News

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